This artifact represents Paramessu, also recognized as Ramesses the First, adopting the pose of a seated scribe. The figure, dressed in a kilt representative of that era's scribes, is depicted with an authoritative demeanor. Constructed from a single piece of graywacke, a fine-grained dark sandstone, this Late Bronze Age sculpture stands approximately 38 cm tall, demonstrating its significant historical value.

The meticulously sculpted figure leans over a partially unrolled papyrus scroll, with a stylus held in the right hand, poised for inscription. The chair's skin is decorated with the image of a marching lion, a symbol of regal authority. Detailed aspects of the figure, such as wrinkle lines, muscle structures, and fingernails, reflect the artisan's outstanding craftsmanship.

The sculpture’s simplicity and sternness showcase the artist’s intent to portray a deserving level of reverence associated with a Pharaoh. The figure's head, upon which sits a short wig, exhibits a subtle smile that renders a humane element while still preserving a dominant aura of nobility. The attention-focusing eyes display a high degree of artisanal intricacy.

Key information regarding Paramessu's reign is offered through inscriptions carved on the figure's right shoulder and across the seat's front. The hieroglyphic script states the figure as 'The good god, Lord of the Two Lands, Menpehtire, Son of Re, Ramesses.' This dates the artifact back to the early moments of the Nineteenth Dynasty, specifically during Ramesses the First's reign from 1292 to 1290 BC.

Egyptian Museum in Cairo
Tomb of Ramesses I