Dating back to approximately 2,500-2,300 BCE, this important statue originates from the Grotta-Pelos culture during the early Cycladic period. This a notable period of accelerated cultural development in the Aegean Islands.

The statue is carved from white marble, a material commonly found in the region, and it adheres to the characteristic Cycladic art form. Cycladic art is well-regarded for its geometric simplicity and idiosyncratic accents.

This sculpture measures approximately 5.6 cm in height, 3.4 cm in width, and 2.8 cm in thickness. While it lacks detailed facial features, the depiction of a human face is indicated by the modestly engraved details. The elongated face, Pelos-type nose that runs linearly into the forehead, and a cleverly shaped brow ridge subtly define the sculpture. The eyes are depicted as deep incisions, adding depth to the aesthetic appeal.

The craftsmanship of this piece is apparent, despite the absence of intricate details. The sculptor has achieved a balance of proportions, resulting in an aesthetically pleasing symmetry. The tapering neck element suggests that the head could form part of a full-body figure. However, only the head artifact remains, so this remains a speculative observation.

Further details of the artifact include a subtly represented mouth, delineated with a thin line and filled with a reddish pigment. Moreover, the presence of the same pigment within the crude ear indents suggests the use of post-production techniques following the initial stone carving.

National Archaeological Museum in Athens